Monday, June 28, 2010

July 21, 2010

July 21, 2010,
the adoption of Mical and Moses will officially be completed.
We finally have a court date for finalization!
Oh, Happy Adoption Day!
Really, it just feels like a formality, but it's an important one.

Thought I'd share this clip of our sprinkler lovin' kids.

It makes me smile.

I've talked to so many people about our friends who just came home from Uganda with their Abigail.

You can peek at their blog at We rejoice with their family!

We continue to lift up in prayer many others who continue to wait.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


All of our kids are growing way too fast, but this

little dude deserves mention.

I don't think photos can do justice to HOW

much he has grown up in the past year.

Isn't my baby supposed to stay my baby a little longer?!

In the first photo Moses is learning to walk.

Now we are still teaching him to walk...not RUN all the time!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Dad's Day!

I love these pictures.
What cute boys.
I also love that it is not Fall right now!
Summer is my favorite!!!

I am blessed with a great Dad,
a great Dad-in-law,
and a great Dad to my kids.

I also have a Perfect Heavenly Dad.

Happy Father's Day!!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Fisherman Gav

Love this little fisherman.
(He can even clean his own fish now...yea!)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Memorial Weekend

So this month, we've been home as a family of seven
for a year.
Our phone service was off for a few days while we switched providers.
Then the internet...for two weeks.
God has a great sense of humor and must have wanted
to remind us we can live without these things.

Silly Mical, Maddie and Paul as we visited Grandpa Warren
and the Veterans home Memorial Weekend.
These pics are late, but I still wanted to post them...

My beautiful cousins, Emily and Rachel,...with a grandpa we all dearly love...
husband of a grandma we all deeply miss.

Mindy came for a visit from GA!

Two Thede men.
Yes, John is quite a manly man!

Rootbeer floats. Enough said.

Ahhh, don't they look good together...I'm not sure who is more comfy...
Grandpa or Jacob?