This weekend the Sam & Ellie Fund at Kentwood Community Church is begining a t shirt fund raiser. All profits will go to the fund, which gives interest free loans to adoptive families and helps bring orphans home to their forever families. The shirts are each $12 and come in pink, brown or blue. They reference Eph. 1:3-14 and celebrate that we are ALL adopted into God's family. A year and a half ago the Sam & Ellie fund along with Lifesong for Orphans helped us bring M&M home!
I feel passionate about helping raise money for adoption because the finances are such a hurdle for so many families. When people are considering adopting, and ask me questions, it's almost always the first concern. Many families CAN afford and WANT to have more children in their home, but the up front adoption expense makes it feel impossible. And for many it is, unless the body of Christ surrounds them and helps relieve the burden. That's the experience we had! We should not have been able to take on the finances of our adoption, but it's what we felt called to do. Now it seems so obvious how right it all is. If it hadn't been for our families and our brothers and sisters in Christ, we would be short two kids in our home. How tragic to have missed out on this journey because of the finances.
Our God is BIG. Much bigger than the hurdles. And, He uses ministries like this to give families the encouragement that is takes as they walk the long road of adoption.
If you are interested in a shirt and won't be at KCC to check them out, just let me know!