Monday, February 28, 2011

Sassy and Six

I had no intention of this photo being first.
It won't delete.
It won't move.
It's frozen my computer twice.
I think it's meant to stay.
...Mical, less than two years ago.
Our little peanut.

Miss sassy pants =)

God's got big plans for this little lady.
She might not be big in stature, but don't let her size fool you.

Mical and her friend, Ruby, at our pool par-tay!
We love good friends...

Monday, February 21, 2011

bye bye tooth

Today in Haiti, our niece celebrates her 10th birthday...
Today in Byron Center, we have a lovely snow day...
Today a certain someone also lost her top front tooth...
It is a perfectly good day.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

thanks for the love!

Thank you Uncle Tim, Aunt Mindy, John and Jacob!

We love packages...

We love you guys!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

the snow we been a waitin' for

Three of the Bronkema kids...literally "chillin out" on the deck as the storm rolled in...
diggin' out...

Last year he hated walking in it, but this winter
Moses has grown to love the snow.

Eskimo girl...not as much.
(Her momma only got out in the snow to take pics)