Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Cole claims this was the most fun he's had, "in the past 30 years"... =)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Our First Easter!

Oh, Death, where is your sting?

Oh, Grave, where is your vic-tor-y...

This song keeps running through my mind today.

I love Easter.

I love Easter traditions...

I love sidewalk chalk...
...by Gavin =)
Thank you Aunt Jill and Uncle Chad for the chalk!
Yea that the sidewalk isn't covered in snow and we can use it!

Ahh, tradition.
Thanks, Mom.

Guess what we're eating this week!

Yup, it's a chocolate bug...

We've been a family of seven for almost two years already, but this is our first Easter all together! Two years ago we met Mical and Moses just after Easter. Last year we were in Florida for my dear friend's wedding, but Moses wasn't with us.

Finally, celebrating Easter together.

At church last night, two people sitting next to me accepted Christ as their Savior!

31 total gave their lives to Christ during that service alone!

Lyric got to walk the "bridge" because she was baptised this past year.

Another church tradition...

Oh, Death...where is your sting...

Oh, Grave...where is your Victory!?

Monday, April 18, 2011

it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

So, for my niece, Anna, who loves snow...

I was thinking.

If you want snow while you are in Michigan, next time tell

your mom and dad that you might want to come in April =)

I'm thinking about putting on some Christmas music today...

Monday, April 4, 2011


Gavin, our warrior boy, has turned eleven.

The brave troops heading out to play "capture the flag"... Loud thunder put an end to that plan as soon as they got started. I have a feeling this birthday was one of the wetter party experiences these kids have experienced =)
This cake was totally designed and decorated by Gavin...

I only added the trim and writing.

It's camo on the inside too...I might have to post some pics.

It was a pretty fun project.

We were excited when the rain cleared so we were able to have our bonfire

and most importantly - SMORES!

Gavin asked for his own personal box of cereal so he could be like his

grandpa who likes to munch out of a box =)
Thank you Cory, Kris, Eli and Anna!

It is assembled!