We spent the weekend visiting family up north. It is always fun for all of us to hang out with my family. We got to meet our niece, Grace Mary. She is a beautiful addition to the Bronkema family!
We decided that we would visit Mackinaw Island on Sunday. None of our kids had ever been there and Lori and I hadn't been there since our wedding 12 years ago. It's amazing that just 12 short years later, we returned with all 5 of our kids. If someone would have told me when we got married that I would have 5 kids, I would have laughed and told them they were crazy! Funny how life changes a person.
On the way home, we stopped by the cottage in Newago and spent the afternoon there playing and taking turns going on kayak rides. It's always a good time up there and we hope we can go back a few more times this summer.
Sounds like everyone had fun.