Some of Mical's very wonderful nurses. The staff at Devos Chilren's Hospital was amazing. This is her getting a ride in the red wagon to go to the play room.
Mical was such a trooper not being allowed to eat for the day before surgery. She was not a fan of her IV. This is her minutes before surgery. She was anxious... but the staff was so kind. Her surgery was successful. After she heals, her stomach should feel so much better than it ever has before!

The view from our 7th floor room. We could also see the helicopter pad which was very fun to watch. Friday night Dan brought the older kids up and we watched Celebration on the Grand Fireworks. Thanks Mom and Dad for bringing Moses home and putting him to bed!
Mical with her happy bear...Thank you Goeller Troops!!! We love you guys!
The view from our 7th floor room. We could also see the helicopter pad which was very fun to watch. Friday night Dan brought the older kids up and we watched Celebration on the Grand Fireworks. Thanks Mom and Dad for bringing Moses home and putting him to bed!
Mical with her happy bear...Thank you Goeller Troops!!! We love you guys!
Watching fireworks. We had the best room for a view. I have to believe it was one of those little gifts God keeps blessing us with.
Thank you all for your prayers! Lots of recovery ahead. Mical is very sore today and will be for a while. Next surgery will be in 6-8 weeks.
Glad to see Mical still smiling. Praying for a swift recovery. Love, US glad she liked the bear. We will continue to pray for her healing. Keep us posted on the next surgery date. We miss and love you guys!