Saturday, November 14, 2009

Good to be Home!

A few nights in the hospital makes home feel especially wonderful. We came home Friday afternoon. We are amazed at how much being home has perked up Mical. She is walking all over and playing the best she can. I never cease to be amazed!
Thanks to so many of you who I know were praying for her and our family!

Balloon and monkey delivery! Thank you Lowing fam =)

On our way home!

A very nice greeting for Mical...
...and this is what I get! ;-)


  1. Ha ha. Well at least they remembered to add MOM. So glad you are home and doing well. Now everyone stay healthy.

  2. We're so very glad to see these pictures of Mical smiling after her surgery! What a tough little girl! As for the poster, I'll bet all of your kiddos realize how lucky they are to have such a wonderful mommy (even though the relegated you to the small print) :o)
