Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year!!!
Learning the art of colostomy bags...
Poop and the unlimited directions it can splatter...
Children who refuse to sleep past 6am...
6am summer breakfasts on the front porch so the rest of the fam could sleep...
6am conversations that consisted of one word..."truck"...every time a vehicle passed...
More tears...more time-outs...
The food questioning...I could write a chapter on the topic...
Socks. The love of socks...
TV is interesting after all...
My ears bleeding from lack of rest. Dan's might have bled a little too...
Musical beds...
English, the language of confusion...No, we don't eat wood chips, but chips in bags are good...
More tears...
I expect all my kids to eat vegetables. and oatmeal...
Ice cream is not a punishment...
The cat is our friend...
Most dogs are good...
Every time we get in the car does not mean we are going to get a chicken burrito.... (although I also wish that was how it worked.)
Doors...opening, closing, opening, closing, slamming, opening...
Lights...on, off. repeat. repeat.
Computers are for someday, but not yet...
Lyric, Gavin and Cole are at school a LOT...
Gum is not a good idea yet...
Cold hands, cold toilet seats, what the heck?!
Laundry is my new hobby...
I've given up all my other hobbies...
Lyric has possibly inherited our social lives...
Gavin is going to buy a school building to fill with his own adopted children someday...
Cole is very much a six year old boy...this covers so much.
Hair. The time it takes to do African hair. A whole new respect...
Tattling. The love of tattling. The six and four year old have made this into an art....
Laundry. It deserves to be mentioned again...
Sweet Mical kisses.
Sweet Moses cuddles.
It is all so worth it.
Looking forward to all the the Lord has planned for 2010!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Merry Christmas
Every good and perfect gift is from above,
coming down from the Father.
James 1:17
Merry CHRISTmas!!!
Christmas morning
and After!)
Thursday, December 17, 2009
forts and cookies...
Snow days...three in a row, two weeks ago.
We liked it.
This is the same field, across the road, that kept Cole busy for hours this summer picking blackberries. There was a bunch of brush cleared and now that pile of sticks has transformed into the neighborhood "fort."
We made Christamas cookies.
Mical is really good with dough. I think she had practice before our time together. She has some skilled hands rolling it out!
We made a double batch and they are long gone. Boy can this fam down the cookies!
Christmas parties at school today and then break time! Yea!
We had Christmas with my parents on Sunday. Now they are down with Tim, Mindy and John in GA. So...Mical and Moses got to experience GIFTS. It is safe to say they approve.
Friday, December 4, 2009
6 months day!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
First Thanksgiving with the Kaechele side of the family! There were lots of kids to play with. It was great to see so many cousins and relatives who we don't get to see very often.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tired Moses
I just had to include this video of Moses that I took a couple of weeks ago. I've always seen clips of kids falling asleep in their food, but I've never had one of my own...until now =)
And by another one of my silly boys...
How to Cook a Turkey
By Cole Bronkema (spelling by Mom =)
First, I shoot it in the heart.
Next, I stuff it with my hands.
Third, I put it in the oven for one hour.
Fourth, I want it real bad.
Fifth, I eat it.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Good to be Home!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Hospital thoughts
purple popsicles
Dora on TV
slipper socks
Dad blowing bubbles
the nurse button (which we need to stop bumping...)
Things she could do without:
having blood drawn...
having blood drawn...
Well, and a few other things. It looks like we might be here past Thurs. They are allowing her small sips of things, but she's not technically on a liquid diet yet. She did get up and walk out to the hallway. She gained confidence as she went.
God made this girl one tough cookie.
Monday, November 9, 2009
orphan day
"Sometimes I would like to ask God why he allows poverty, famine and injustice in the world when He could do something about it...but I'm afraid He might ask me the same question." Anonymous
I took this quote from another blog I just found from a family in the middle of an adoption. I liked it so much I had to borrow it.
I have a quiet moment today and just wanted to get out some thoughts...
We are so blessed to have a great hospital staff and surgeon waiting for us tomorrow. It will be Mical's second surgery to correct her bowel birth defect. We are praying that God guides the hands of her surgeon to do the very best possible for her. Also, that He will protect her heart as this is tough stuff for a little girl to go through. The Lord has taken her through so much this past year. It really blows my mind to try to process it all.
Things God has done for us...that I'm just so Thankful for...
~Last year at this time we thought Dan might lose his job, but God protected, which allowed us to continue to pursue our kids!
~Brought Mical to Welcome Home, while we were waiting and praying that God would bring our children there.
~Allowed us to accept the referral of a child with medical needs. (Surely He would have someone in mind for that who has the finances to back such an undertaking!....Nope!)
~Spend five weeks in Uganda...three without income...
~Taught us surrender by being so stretched beyond our means. We could not have done these things if God hadn't used other people around us to help.
~So much more but so little time today. Another day...
promised some friends I'd get some pictures on here of the kids dressed up. You know who you are =) So, here they are!
Two soldiers and one hippie...
A cute spider and Thomas the Train. Moses liked to say "choo choo."
Thursday, November 5, 2009
A month that reminds us to stop and give Thanks.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Family photo

Saturday, September 26, 2009
M&M chairs
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Poor Frog
Gavin came rushing up to me. "Mom, can I feed this frog to the snake?"
Yes, we have a little snake that lives around our house, but I never dreamed he would actually be successful in FINDING it at this exact moment. I assured him it wouldn't be that easy. Two minutes later he came yelling about how the snake was eating it... Never underestimate a boy with a frog.
Dan's reaction, "IT WAS ON OUR DECK?!" He adores snakes the way I adore spiders.
Mical was fascinated with this Praying Mantis. ...and I was happy to have nature not eating other nature... ;-)
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Cross Country Girl
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Home from the Hospital
The view from our 7th floor room. We could also see the helicopter pad which was very fun to watch. Friday night Dan brought the older kids up and we watched Celebration on the Grand Fireworks. Thanks Mom and Dad for bringing Moses home and putting him to bed!
Mical with her happy bear...Thank you Goeller Troops!!! We love you guys!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
First Surgery
We've also recently been blessed through a fund raiser done for our family by the Sea 100 Powerboat Club. The money raised will go toward medical bills and also help us complete our adoption for Mical and Moses here in the States. We sit in awe and constant amazement at the way the Lord has continued to provide. This past week Pastor Jeff preached about facing the lions in our lives. How God conquers though our obedience. Last Feb. when we knew the Lord was leading us to Mical, inspite of our economy, uncertain job futures, unclear medical needs/ was a time of our own personal "lion". Would we make a "safer" choice? But, we knew in our hearts that they were ours. And now we get to hold them every day! It's so beautiful to have a quiet moment to reflect on all the Lord has done for us. And, looking forward to other things that I'm sure we cannot imagine...
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Garden Elves
The pumpkin plant was a surprise. It came up in the middle of the bean row so I'm guessing it is the result of a pumpkin we threw in the garden last fall? Oh well, bring on October! As you can see, we are ready!
Somewhere....a tomato worm is mocking me. I look for it daily, thinking eventually it will show itself. So far, it is winning.
The row of carrots has been doing great. Penelope and Snowflake want to say a special Thank You, as they have been benefiting from this row!
Thank you Cory, Kris, Eli and Anna for planting our garden and to Grandma and Grandpa for expanding it!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
19 Month Moses
Monday, August 3, 2009
2 months!

Yeah baby! We're off that plane!!!